Welcome .............

Thanks for visiting Cedar Creek Water Dogs

We raise healthy quality Portuguese Water Dogs with each of our dogs having had the breed specific DNA genetic testing through optimal selection, Penn University, and Michigan State University, as well as, CHIC certification through OFA.  We recommend  scrolling through our website to learn more about the PWD breed, our dogs, who we are and what we use for our puppy protocols. 

Helpful links are provided throughout our website making it easier to gather more detailed information whether it is about the breed or training and medical information.  For instance, the Portuguese Water Dog Club of America (PWDCA) has a wealth of information regarding the PWD.  They are the AKC recognized breed specific club for the Portuguese Water Dog and you can go directly to their site by clicking here.  

Morgan laying down on Tile
Morgan 5 months
Morgan and Freeman Walking on Sidewalk
Morgan and Freeman 2018

A Little . . . . . .

About us

Located in the Great Lakes Region we moved back to our country home in the Mid-Michigan, where it is more peaceful, healthier and more land for our dogs to exercise, play and train. 

Although we are surrounded by many lakes, our favorite to train and practice is Clinton County lake Park where the Portuguese Water Dog  National Specialties Water Dog trials were held. This is near St. Johns Michigan   

We have memberships in both our local and national AKC clubs.  Mt Pleasant Michigan Kennel Club and  Portuguese Water Dog Club of America.  Click below for information about us and our experiences.    

                      More about us    

A Little about . . . . . .

Our Dogs

The Scientific side:  Most important and a fundamental part of our program, is health, conformation and temperament, because all our dogs are into either sporting events of one type or another, and/or working therapy dogs.  Besides companions many of our former puppies have entered into modalities such as Agility, Rally, and other performance events, as well as, other puppies are used as Therapy and emotional support service dogs.      

Healthy parents and good genetics are key to healthy puppies.  Not only do all of our dogs have DNA profiles, but they all have the PWD breed specific DNA Genetic tests, as well as hips, elbows, and eyes, including CHIC certification through OFA  so you can check on their status without having to take our word for it.   



The Fun Side:  training does not have to be hard or boring!  Above is a video of Morgan and Freeman playing Frisbee. Storm is now a Frisbee Queen herself, while Jagger although a late bloomer, loves retrieving bumpers in the dock diving pool seen in the video to the left.  

Although they think they are playing, they are actually learning balance, building muscle, honing their skills, getting mental stimulation, and exercising all at the same time.  All of this play transfers well when they are in structured training environment.  Click below to learn more about our individual dogs

             About our Dogs

A Little about . . . . . .

Our Portuguese Water Dog Puppies

We have taken the AVIDOG University Breeder Courses quite some time ago and follow their guidelines for the care of our parent dogs, as well as puppies.  We keep up with the latest breeding and whelping practices annually, and consistently stay in contact with other breeders in our local and national clubs, and of course veterinarians.    

Our puppy protocol uses ENS (Early Neurological Stimulation) early Scent Introduction, daily socialization, additionally, desensitization and potty training starting around week 3.  Once they turn 7 weeks of age they are temperament tested.  

It is our utmost priority to have happy families and happy puppies in forever homes.  So we use every measure to the best of our abilities (including applications and interviews) to match puppies to their perspective families.  Click below to learn more about our    

                      Puppy Protocol   

Freeman as a puppy
Freeman 7 weeks old